Monday, October 14, 2013

Finally, my painting of "I, painting horse" has drawn to the end after almost three weeks. Let me do a few self analysis.

The biggest problem of this painting is that "the big horse", "the horse group of four", and "the man in pink suit" do not quite get along with each other. What I mean by saying “do not quite get along” is that these three parts of my painting all seem to be the main characters. Most books contain only one protagonist and one antagonist; to the most extreme extent, a few antagonists may apply but no more than one protagonist. Although books are not quite the same as paintings, they certainly share something in common. Given the fact that neither the horses nor I is the antagonist, I suppose there are three leading roles currently in my painting, all with splendid colors and compassed by colors even more sumptuous.

The reason for this problem is that I did not brainstorm that much before I started working on it. Like writing a prose, I put down my thoughts randomly. The theme or topic stays the same, but my way to approach this topic changes throughout.

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